Microsoft PPC broad match goes nuts

With Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) you can bid on 3 different match types: exact, phrase and broad. These match types take a successively broader interpretation of your search term. Broad match has to be used with care, but can be useful for casting a wider net. However broad match seems to have gone a bit nuts for Microsoft pay per click. Witness these recent results:

broad match keywordsearch term matched
perfecttablecore muscle machine
perfecttablemy plate
perfecttableto be able to
perfecttablenumista threepence
plans tableofloxacin tablets
table plan softwaresmall business software
table plan softwarehr software for small business

What!? How is “numista threepence” in any way a match for “perfecttable”? That is stretching the concept of ‘broad match’ to weird levels. I have deleted most of my broad match keywords. Is anyone else seeing this?