Author Archives: Andy Brice

It might be a good thing if someone hates your product

Nobody likes getting an email message telling that that the end result of all their hard work is a piece of garbage (or worse). It is a bit of a shock, when it happens the first time. One negative piece of feedback can easily offset 10 positive ones. But, hurt feelings aside, it may not be all bad.

For a start, that person actually cared enough about your product to take the time to contact you. That is not something to be taken lightly. A large number of products fail because they solve a problem that no-one cares about. Apathy is very hard to iterate on. At least you are getting some feedback. Assuming the comments aren’t completely toxic, it might be worth replying. Sometimes you can turn someone who really hates your software into a fan. Like one of those romantic comedies where an odd couple who really dislike each other end up falling in love. Indifference is much harder to work with. The people who don’t care about your product enough to communicate with you, are the dark matter of business. Non-interacting. Mysterious. Unknowable.

Negative emails may also contain a kernal of useful information, if you can look past their, sometimes less than diplomatic, phrasing. I remember having the user interface of an early version of PerfectTablePlan torn apart in a forum. Once I put my wounded pride to one side, I could see they had a point and I ended up designing a much better user interface.

In some cases the person contacting you might just be having a bad day. Their car broke down. They are going through a messy divorce. The boss shouted at them. Your product just happened to be the nearest cat they could kick. Don’t take it personally. You need a thick skin if you are to survive in business.

But sometimes there is a fundamental clash between how someone sees the world vs the model of the world embodied in your product. I once got so angry with Microsoft Project, due to this sort of clash of weltanschauung, that I came close to throwing the computer out of a window. So I understand how frustrating this can be. In this case, it is just the wrong product for them. If they have bought a licence, refund them and move on.

While polarisation is bad for society, it can good for a product. Consider a simple thought experiment. A large number of products are competing for sales in a market. Bland Co’s product is competent but unexciting. It is in everyone’s top 10, but no-one’s first choice. Exciting Co’s product is more polarizing, last choice for many, but first choice for some. Which would you rather be? Exiting Co, surely? No-one buys their second choice. Better to be selling Marmite than one of ten types of nearly identical peanut butter. So don’t be too worried about doing things that polarize opinion. For example, I think it is amusing to use a skull and crossbones icon in my seating software to show that 2 people shouldn’t be sat together. Some people have told me that they really like this. Others have told me it is ‘unprofessional’. I’m not going to change it.

Obviously we would like everyone to love our products as much as we do. But that just isn’t going to happen. You can’t please all of the people, all of the time. And, if you try, you’ll probably ending pleasing no-one. Some of the people, most of the time is probably the best you can hope for.

The AI bullshit singularity

I’m sure we are all familiar with the idea of a technological singularity. Humans create an AI that is smart enough to create an even smarter successor. That successor then creates an even smarter successor. The process accelerates through a positive feedback loop, until we reach a technological singularity, where puny human intelligence is quickly left far behind.

Some people seem to think that Large Language Models could be the start of this process. We train the LLMs on vast corpuses of human knowledge. The LLMs then help humans create new knowledge, which is then used to train the next generation of LLMs. Singularity, here we come!

But I don’t think so. Human nature being what it is, LLMs are inevitably going to be used to churn out vast amount of low quality ‘content’ for SEO and other commercial purposes. LLM nature being what it is, a lot of this content is going to be hallucinated. In otherwords, bullshit. Given that LLMs can generate content vastly faster than humans can, we could quickly end up with an Internet that is mostly bullshit. Which will then be used to train the next generation of LLM. We will eventually reach a bullshit singularlity, where it is almost impossible to work out whether anything on the Internet is true. Enshittification at scale. Well done us.

Visual vs text based programming, which is better?

Visual programming tools (also called ‘no-code’ or ‘low-code’) have been getting a lot of press recently. This, in turn, has generated a lot of discussion about whether visual or text based programming (coding) is ‘best’. As someone who uses text programming (C++) to create a visual programming data wrangling tool (Easy Data Transform) I have some skin in this game and have thought about it quite a bit.

At some level, everything is visual. Text is still visual (glyphs). By visual programming here I specifically mean software that allows you to program using nodes (boxes) and vertexes (arrows), laid out on a virtual canvas using drag and drop. 

A famous example of this sort of drag and drop visual programming is Yahoo Pipes:

Yahoo Pipes
Credit: Tony Hirst

But there are many others, including my own Easy Data Transform:

Note that I’m not talking about Excel, Scratch or drag and drop GUI designers. Although some of the discussion might apply to them.

By text programming, I mean mainstream programming languages such as Python, Javascript or C++, and associated tools. Here is the QtCreator Interactive Development Environment (IDE) that I use to write C++ in, to create Easy Data Transform:

The advantages of visual programming are:

  • Intuitive. Humans are very visual creatures. A lot of our brain is given over to visual processing and our visual processing bandwidth is high. Look at pretty much any whiteboard, at any company, and there is a good chance you will see boxes and arrows. Even in non-techie companies.
  • Quicker to get started. Drag and drop tools can allow you to start solving problems in minutes.
  • Higher level abstractions. Which means you can work faster (assuming they are the right abstractions).
  • Less hidden state. The connections between nodes are shown on screen, rather than you having to build an internal model in your own memory.
  • Less configuration. The system components work together without modification.
  • No syntax to remember. Which means it is less arcane for people who aren’t experienced programmers.
  • Less run-time errors, because the system generally won’t let you do anything invalid. You don’t have to worry about getting function names or parameter ordering and types right.
  • Immediate feedback on every action. No need to compile and run.

The advantages of text programming are:

  • Denser representation of information.
  • Greater flexibility. Easier to do things like looping and recursion.
  • Better tooling. There is a vast ecosystem of tools for manipulating text, such as editors and version control systems.
  • Less lock-in. You can generally move your C++ or Python code from one IDE to another without much problem.
  • More opportunities for optimization. Because you have lower-level access there is more scope to optimize speed and/or memory as required.

The advantages and disadvantages of each are two sides of the same coin. A higher level of abstraction makes things simpler, but also reduces the expressiveness and flexibility. The explicit showing of connections can make things clearer, but can also increase on-screen clutter.

The typical complaints you hear online about visual programming systems are:

It makes 95% of things easy and 5% of things impossible

Visual programming systems are not as flexible. However many visual programming systems will let you drop down into text programming, when required, to implement that additional 5%.

Jokes aside, I think this hybrid approach does a lot to combine the strengths of both approaches.

It doesn’t scale to complex systems

Managing complex systems has been much improved over the years in text programming, using techniques such as hierarchy and encapsulation. But there is no reason these same techniques can’t also be applied to visual programming.

It isn’t high enough performance

The creators of a visual programming system are making a lot of design decisions for you. If you need to tune a system for high performance on a particular problem, then you probably need the low level control that text based programming allows. But with most problems you probably don’t care if it takes a few extra seconds to run, if you can do the programming in a fraction of the time. Also, a lot of visual programming systems are pretty fast. Easy Data Transform can join 2 one million row datasets on a laptop in ~5 seconds, which is faster than base R.

It ends up as spaghetti

Labview spaghetti from DailyWTF
Unreal Blueprint spaghetti from

I’m sure we’ve all seen examples of spaghetti diagrams. But you can also create horrible spaghetti code with text programming. Also, being able to immediately see that a visual program has been sloppily constructed might serve as a useful cue.

If you are careful to layout your nodes, you can keep things manageable (ravioli, rather than spaghetti). But it starts to become tricky when you have 50+ nodes with a moderate to high degree of connectivity, especially if there is no support for hierarchy (nodes within nodes).

Automatic layout of graphs for easier comprehension (e.g. to minimize line crossings) is hard (NP-complete, in the same class of problems as the ‘travelling salesman’).

No support for versioning

It is possible to version visual programming tools if they store the information in a text based file (e.g XML). Trying to diff raw XML isn’t ideal, but some visual based programming tools do have built-in diff and merge tools.

It isn’t searchable

There is no reason why visual programming tools should not be searchable.

Too much mousing

Professional programmers love their keyboard shortcuts. But there is no reason why visual programming tools can’t also make good use of keyboard shortcuts.

Vendor lock-in

Many visual programming tools are proprietary, which means the cost can be high for switching from one to another. So, if you are going to invest time and/or money heavily in a visual programming tool, take time to make a good choice and consider how you could move away from it if you need to. If you are doing quick and dirty one-offs to solve a particular problem that you don’t need to solve again, then this doesn’t really matter.

No code’ just means ‘someone else’s code’

If you are using Python+Pandas or R instead of Easy Data Transform, then you are also balancing on top of an enormous pile of someone else’s code.

We are experts, we don’t need no stinkin drag and drop

If you are an experienced text programmer, then you aren’t really the target market for these tools. Easy Data Transform is aimed at the analyst or business guy trying to wrangle a motley collection of Excel and CSV files, not the professional data scientist who dreams in R or Pandas. However even a professional code jockey might find visual tools faster for some jobs.

Both visual and text programming have their places. Visual programming is excellent for exploratory work and prototyping. Text based programming is almost always a better choice for experts creating production systems where performance is important. When I want to analyse some sales data, I use Easy Data Transform. But when I work on Easy Data Transform itself, I use C++.

Text programming is more mature than visual programming. FORTRAN appeared in the 1950s. Applications with graphical user interfaces only started becoming mainstream in the 1980s. Some of the shortcomings with visual programming reflect it’s relative lack of maturity and I think we can expect to see continued improvements in the tooling associated with visual programming.

Visual programming works best in specific domains, such as:

  • 3d graphics and animations
  • image processing
  • audio processing
  • game design
  • data wrangling

These domains tend to have:

  • A single, well defined data type. Such as a table of data (dataframe) for data wrangling.
  • Well defined abstractions. Such as join, to merge 2 tables of data using a common key column.
  • A relatively straightforward control flow. Typically a step-by-step pipeline, without loops, recursion or complex control flow.

My teenage son has been able to do some (I think) pretty impressive 3D modelling and animations just with Blender’s visual tools.

Visual programming has been much less successful when applied to generic programming, where you need lots of different data types, a wide range of abstractions and potentially complex control flow.

I’ve been a professional software developer since 1987. People (mostly in marketing) have talked about replacing code and programmers with point and click tools for much of that time. That is clearly not going to happen. Text programming is the best approach for some kinds of problems and will remain so for the foreseeable future. But domain-specific visual programming can be very powerful and has a much lower barrier to entry. Visual programming empowers people to do things that might be out of their reach with text programming and might never get done if they have to wait for the IT department to do it.

So, unsurprisingly, the answer to ‘which is better?’ is very much ‘it depends’. Both have their place and neither is going away.

Further reading:

Hacker News folk wisdom on visual programming

Visual Programming Codex

The life and times of Yahoo Pipes

The ‘No Code’ Delusion and HN discussion

‘Visual programming doesnt suck’ HN discussion (original article seems to have disappeared)

Visual Programming Languages – Snapshots

A Personal History of Visual Programming Environments

Is the future of data science drag and drop?

Rethinking Visual Programming with Go

Responses to this post on Reddit:

Winterfest 2023

Winterfest 2023 is on. Loads of quality software for Mac and Windows from independent vendors, at a discount. This includes my own Easy Data Transform and Hyper Plan, which are on sale with a 25% discount.

Find out more at .

What is the index of an empty string in an empty string?

This sounds like a question a programmer might ask after one medicinal cigarette too many. The computer science equivalent of “what is the sounds of one hand clapping?”. But it is a question I have to decide the answer to.

I am adding indexOf() and lastIndexOf() operations to the Calculate transform of my data wrangling (ETL) software (Easy Data Transform). This will allow users to find the offset of one string inside another, counting from the start or the end of the string. Easy Data Transform is written in C++ and uses the Qt QString class for strings. There are indexOf() and lastIndexOf() methods for QString, so I thought this would be an easy job to wrap that functionality. Maybe 15 minutes to program it, write a test case and document it.

Obviously it wasn’t that easy, otherwise I couldn’t be writing this blog post.

First of all, what is the index of “a” in “abc”? 0, obviously. QString( “abc” ).indexOf( “a” ) returns 0. Duh. Well only if you are a (non-Fortran) programmer. Ask a non-programmer (such as my wife) and they will say: 1, obviously. It is the first character. Duh. Excel FIND( “a”, “abc” ) returns 1.

Ok, most of my customers, aren’t programmers. I can use 1 based indexing.

But then things get more tricky.

What is the index of an empty string in “abc”? 1 maybe, using 1-based indexing or maybe empty is not a valid value to pass.

What is the index of an empty string in an empty string? Hmm. I guess the empty string does contain an empty string, but at what index? 1 maybe, using 1-based indexing, except there isn’t a first position in the string. Again, maybe empty is not a valid value to pass.

I looked at the Qt C++ QString, Javascript string and Excel FIND() function for answers. But they each give different answers and some of them aren’t even internally consistent. This is a simple comparison of the first index or last index of text v1 in text v2 in each (Excel doesn’t have an equivalent of lastIndexOf() that I am aware of):

Changing these to make the all the valid results 1-based and setting invalid results to -1, for easy comparison:


  • Javascript disagrees with C++ QString and Excel on whether the first index of an empty string in an empty string is valid.
  • Javascript disagrees with C++ QString on whether the last index of an empty string in a non-empty string is the index of the last character or 1 after the last character.
  • C++ QString thinks the first index of an empty string in an empty string is the first character, but the last index of an empty string in an empty string is invalid.

It seems surprisingly difficult to come up with something intuitive and consistent! I think I am probably going to return an error message if either or both values are empty. This seems to me to be the only unambiguous and consistent approach.

I could return a 0 for a non-match or when one or both values are empty, but I think it is important to return different results in these 2 different cases. Also, not found and invalid feel qualitatively different to a calculated index to me, so shouldn’t be just another number. What do you think?

*** Update 14-Dec-2023 ***

I’ve been around the houses a bit more following feedback on this blog, the Easy Data Transform forum and hacker news and this what I have decided:

IndexOf() v1 in v2:

worldhello world7

This is the same as Excel FIND() and differs from Javascript indexOf() (ignoring the difference in 0 or 1 based indexing) only for “”.indexOf(“”) which returns -1 in Javascript.

LastIndexOf() v1 in v2:

worldhello world7

This differs from Javascript lastIndexOf() (ignoring difference in 0 or 1 based indexing) only for “”.indexOf(“”) which returns -1 in Javascript.

Conceptually the index is the 1-based index of the first (IndexOf) or last (LastIndexOf) position where, if the V1 is removed from the found position, it would have to be re-inserted in order to revert to V2. Thanks to layer8 on Hacker News for clarifying this.

Javascript and C++ QString return an integer and both use -1 as a placeholder value. But Easy Data Transform is returning a string (that can be interpreted as a number, depending on the transform) so we aren’t bound to using a numeric value. So I have left it blank where there is no valid result.

Now I’ve spent enough time down this rabbit hole and need to get on with something else! If you don’t like it you can always add an If with Calculate or use a Javascript transform to get the result you prefer.

*** Update 15-Dec-2023 ***

Quite a bit of debate on this topic on Hacker News.

Ship Of Fools

I recently had a 3 week holiday in Florida with my family. My 17 year old son is interested in rocketry and my wife is interested in wildlife. We got to see plenty of both and had a great time. There is a lot to like about America and Americans. But the sheer waste of resources on show everywhere was pretty shocking. In Europe we absolutely aren’t doing enough to protect the environment and avert the impending climate catastrophe (I flew to Florida and drove a car there, so I am no environmental saint myself). In Florida they don’t appear to be even trying.

Let’s start with plastic. Everything seems to be made of plastic, wrapped in plastic or both. This is a hotel breakfast for the 3 of us. That is a serious amount of plastic.

Plastic cutlery is the order of the day. And even the plastic cutlery is individually wrapped in plastic! The very cheapest hotels in the UK give you metal cutlery.

Apples were individually wrapped in plastic.

We even saw oranges wrapped in plastic. Nature already provided oranges with their own wrapper! I don’t remember the plastic issue being as bad when I travelled through Wyoming, Utah and Colorado in 1999. Maybe it’s a hangover from COVID?

And then there are the cars. We did a quick informal survey and over half the vehicles on the road were massive SUVs and even more massive pickup trucks, with macho names like ‘Raptor’ and ‘Titan’. The very low tax on petrol/gas (by European standards) makes this possible. These pickup trucks are clearly being used mostly by people from the suburbs who do not need a huge pickup truck. We hired a ‘mid-size’ (but big by European standards) SUV ourselves as, in a previous trip, we had found it quite intimidating to drive a European sized saloon car on American roads.

The front of these pick-up trucks is so high that a pedestrian hit by one is definitely going under, rather than over. Especially the ridiculous ‘raised’ pickup trucks, which are very common.

Not that there are many pedestrians in Florida, of course. You are expected to have a car and drive everywhere. You can even eat your breakfast in your car.

The breakfast drive-thru queue at Fort Myers Dunkin Donuts.

The provision of pavements/sidewalks is decidely lacking and public transport is pretty much non-existent. If you are too poor to own a car, hard luck. There did seem to be some cycle lanes, but they ran along major roads and weren’t segregated from all the enormous vehicles. They looked utterly terrifying. No wonder no-one was using them. Perhaps cyclists had tried, but they had all been run over.

Everywhere has air con and it all seems to run 24×7. Often with doors left open. When you turn up to your hotel/motel room, the air con is running and it doesn’t turn off when you take your card out of the slot to leave the room. It has probably been running in every room since the hotel was built, regardless of whether the rooms are occupied or not. Heaven forbid that you should have to wait 2 minutes for the air con to cool the room down.

This might be ok if the air con was powered by solar. But it isn’t. We hardly saw a solar panel in our whole trip to ‘The Sunshine State’. This is hard to fathom, as there are solar panels everywhere in temperate and cloudy Britain. When we asked one of the locals why she didn’t have solar, she told us that solar power was penalised by the power company, so it wasn’t worth it. We didn’t see a single wind turbine either.

The irony is that Florida is one of the most vulnerable places on earth to climate change. It is already ridiculously hot in the summer. A few more degrees of extra temperature will make it unbearable outside your air conditioned room or vehicle. Higher temperatures means more air con, which means more carbon in the atmosphere, which means even higher temperatures. Florida has a mean elevation of just 31m/100ft above sea level. The majority of Miami-Dade county is less than 2m/6ft above sea level (possibly less, depending on when you are reading this). The only thing we saw that looked like a hill in Florida, was in fact a huge landfill. Probably mostly full of single-use plastic cutlery. The rich are already starting to move to higher ground in Miami. Maybe only the landfills will be left above sea level by the end of the century? Florida is also regularly devastated by hurricanes. The devastation left by 2022 category 5 hurricane Ian is still very obvious and category 4 hurricane Idalia hit a few days after we left. Rising sea temperatures can only lead to more devastating hurricanes.

And Florida isn’t even one of the worst offenders, placing 39th out of the 50 US states with around 10.8 metric tons of CO2 per capita per year. In part due to the lack of any heavy industry. The worst offending state in the USA is Wyoming with a whopping 104.5 metric tons of CO2 per capita per year. Across the country Americans average 15.3 tons per capita per year, compared to 5.6 tons for the UK. And the USA isn’t even the worst offender. Qatar clocks in at 38.1 tons per capita per year.

Climate change is not some minor inconvenience where we lose a few obscure species of frogs and have to wear a bit more sunscreen. We could be talking about widescale crop failures and extreme weather events making large parts of the globe unliveable. Leading to famine and migration on a scale way beyond anything we have seen so far. Given the seriousness of the situation it is depressing to see such profligate waste. My fear is that other people will look at places like Florida and think “why am I even trying to do the right thing? Look at them!” and not even try.

We are in trouble. The current system of sovereign states with politicians driven by short-term goals is poorly placed to fix long-term, global problems. And the billionaires are not going to save us. They are the main beneficiaries of the current system and they are going to use their money and power to keep it that way. If we let them. Geo-engineering is hugely risky. Carbon sequestration looks unlikely to make any meaningful difference. Moving to Mars is a pipedream for 99.9999% of the population. This is the only planet in the universe we have evolved to live on. We are stuck here with the mess we have created in a slow motion tragedy of the commons. Individual choice is not going to cut it. We need deep structural change. Much higher taxes on fossil fuels and less enormous pickup trucks for a start. We need to get our act together, and soon. For ourselves and our children. But, having seen the situation in Florida, I don’t hold out much hope.

Summerfest 2023

Summerfest 2023 is on. Loads of quality software for Mac and Windows from independent vendors, at a discount. This includes my own Easy Data Transform and Hyper Plan, which are on sale with a 25% discount.

Find out more at .

Oryx Digital sponsored team wins gold at International Rocketry Challenge

The Ridgeway Rocket Club team of Ben Wigley, Sanjay Bala and (my son) John Brice, won the International Youth Rocketry Challenge at the Paris Airshow last week. After beating 180 other UK teams at UKROC to qualify, they then beat the best teams from the USA, France and Japan. I sponsored and mentored the team this year and the year before. The team placed 9th overall in the UK at their first attempt, last year. Airbus was the main sponsor for UKROC and their trip to Paris.

The rocket was designed and built from scratch by the team, with various 3d printer and laser cut components. The top tube is a Pringles can (strong, cheap and full of yummy pringles)! We used a Cesseroni F Classic solid fuel motor for the launch.

The results were scored on a combination of flight (60%) and technical presentation (40%).

The flight mission was for the rocket to reach 850 feet, split into 2 sections and land the nose section in 42 to 45 seconds with an intact raw egg. The UK team managed 872 feet height and ~38 seconds duration with an intact egg. A French policewoman accidentally elbowed the rocket on the way to the launch, so it was a good job they made the fins super strong!

The UK team got an impressive 58 out of a possible 60 points on the presentation.

I’m very proud of what the boys achieved and it was such an amazing experience. VIP everything and the team got to meet and shake hands with the French Primer Minister, various French cabinet members and 5 astronauts, including NASA astronauts Charley Duke (who walked on the moon and commanded the lunar module on Apollo 16) and Mike Bloomfield.

They managed to get Mike Bloomfield to sign a rocket fin before the launch. They also got to meet a load of other interesting people from rocketry, aerospace, the US armed forces and from the other teams. Another highlight was a personal tour of an Apache gunship helicopter by the US Army (I’m so glad we are on the same side!).

Our launch:

Our onboard video from the launch:

Yesterday we got to go into the house of commons to show off the rocket and the team met various people including: space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, our member of parliament and the Minister of State for Education. There can’t be many people who have taken a rocket into the house of commons!

Next month they have a VIP tour of the Airbus factory at Stevenage. The team has also been interviewed by the local BBC radio station.

Before getting involved in UKROC my son wanted to do something technical, but he wasn’t sure what. Now he has decided he wants to do Aerospace engineering at University. Ben is also considering an aerospace career. Sanjay wants to be a corporate lawyer, maybe for an aerospace company. I’m sure it has also got a lot of other people interested in aerospace careers. So a definite result for the sponsors. A big thank you to everyone who makes the UKROC and International Rocketry Challenge competitions happen, including: ADS Group, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, NAR, AIA and all the volunteers.

If you are in the UK, USA, France or Japan, why not enter a team in 2024? It is a fantastic way to get kids involved in a challenging STEM project. And if you are looking to employ a rocket engineer a few years from now, drop me a line!

Experiences promoting niche software

This is a guest post from fellow software developer, Simon Kravis.

It’s sometimes said that software development is only 10% of what’s required to earn money from software and I can attest to that. Since 2018 I have been developing photo captioning and related software, more as a retirement diversion than a serious source of income (after a career mostly involved in writing scientific and engineering analysis software), in the hope that sales income would at least cover running costs. My best marketing tool has been writing reviews of the class of software that I produce, and the hosting site (Hub Pages) provides some useful analytics on how often these are accessed and for how long. Below is the graph for an article on tagging.

The decline since early 2022 is hard to explain – the article is periodically updated so the steady decline is not due to diminishing ‘freshness’ – which for Google is probably a file Modified date.

Here is another review article profile (Scanning Multiple Photos) showing a similar decline:

But another (Best Photo Captioning Software) has held up, though at a low level.

I offer digital photo captioning software (Caption Pro) on Windows and Mac platforms, and an iPhone captioning app (CaptionEdit), with the Windows version dating back to 2017. I also offer part of the functionality of Caption Pro on Windows for auto-cropping scans of multiple paper photos (ImageSplit). On Windows neither Caption Pro software downloads or sales seem to correlate with review accesses, despite about 1/3 of web site accesses coming from the review. However, downloads do show some correlation with Caption Pro web site sessions, as shown in the graph below.

Sales do not correlate with downloads, which perhaps explains why most advertising for niche products is not successful – it may increase downloads but this does not appear to increase sales. The observed proportion of downloads resulting in sales for ImageSplit and Caption Pro are 6% and 9% respectively. The lack of correlation between sales and downloads may be due to the small number of sales per month, which results in random fluctuation dominating the results.

The decision to enter the Apple “Walled Garden” of software was partly at the prompting of friends rather than a commercial evaluation. Apple Developer membership (costing ~US$100 per year) is required to prevent software being blocked from installation through being from an unknown publisher. Further costs were purchasing a fairly modern Mac on which to perform development, as the App Store will only accept software developed using recent versions of the Xcode development environment, which will only run on fairly recent hardware. The App Store takes a commission of 15% on sales, which is quite reasonable when compared to the difficulty of implementing e-commerce on Windows, where a PayPal account eases the problem of low-value foreign-currency transactions, but e-commerce plug-ins may stop working after years for no discernible reason. The review process for software acceptance into the App Store is generally fast, but seemly trivial issues can require resubmission. Features which have passed one review may be rejected in a later one. The review process is generally fast, but on one occasion took 4 weeks.

Caption Pro for Mac has been available (via the App Store) only since Sep 2021.It appears within the top 6 results for a search using “Caption Photos”, which is the source for most downloads. About 3.5% of downloads result in sales. This figure is much less than the Windows version of the same app, despite Mac users’ reputation for being more willing to pay for software. The iPhone app did not appear at all initially when searching for “Caption Photos” in the App Store. After 6 months it began appearing as result number 140, after it had 360 downloads. This poor ranking performance is probably because “Caption Photos” is a very popular keyword used by many apps, including those that only caption videos. It has had very few downloads and sales, despite Apple Search Ads and Apptimizer campaigns. The number of downloads increased dramatically during the Apptimizer campaign between Jan 24 and Feb 2 (as they were purchased) but the change in ranking from these downloads did not result in any sales, perhaps because no installs were purchased. The Apple search ads campaign (which resulted in the app being shown as an ad 1 in 50 times when the search phrase “Caption Photos” was used) did not greatly affect downloads or sales. A Facebook ad campaign to show a link to the app whenever “Genealogy” or “Genealogy Software” was searched for was also unsuccessful, and very expensive, as Facebook charges by impressions rather than clicks. Additional backlinks to the web site were purchased in September 2022 from Links Management in an attempt to improve the web site Google ranking, but this did not appear to have any effect on web traffic.

Mac and Windows users contacting me with problems have had a wide range of experience level – from completely naïve to former programmers. Most have been from the US, which reflects the geographic distribution of sales. There have many downloads to non-English speaking countries but very few sales.

Some results from the Mac and iPhone Apps are shown below:

On balance, developing for Apple platforms was not a good commercial decision, as the advantages of a mostly captive audience (completely captive in the case of the iPhone) do not seem to result in higher rates of downloads or sales. Competition for iPhone apps is so intense that niche products without massive advertising budgets are unlikely to succeed. The same is likely to apply to Android phone apps, which anecdotally have a less rigorous review process. My experience is that advertising and backlink purchase for any platform are not effective in increasing sales for niche software.

Simon Kravis runs Aleka Consulting, a small software and consultancy company in Canberra, Australia specializing in information management and offering a number of software products. He has mainly developed scientific and engineering programs, starting in the era of paper tape.

Moving from altool to notarytool for Mac notarization

This is an update to my 2018 article How to notarize your software on macOS.

I have been using altool to notarize my Mac apps for some years. However Apple, being Apple, have deprecated altool in favour of the new notarytool. altool will stop working at some point in 2023. And Apple, being Apple, have made little attempt to keep consistency between the two.

I didn’t find anything online to tell me how arguments between the two tools related. Consequently I spent a while trying to guess which arguments mapped to which. I got locked out for a while for trying to wrong combination too many times. In the end I went from this:

xcrun altool -t osx -f <mydmg>.dmg --primary-bundle-id <> --notarize-app --username <apple-account-email> --password <password>

... wait for approval email ...

xcrun altool --username <apple-account-email> --password <password> --notarization-info <RequestUUID>

To this:

xcrun notarytool submit <mydmg>.dmg --apple-id <apple-account-email> --team-id <teamid> --password <password> --verbose --wait 

On the plus side the --wait option doesn’t exit until the notarization is complete, which means you can easily do you whole build, sign and notarize process in a single script. Hoorah.

Note that you still need to run the ‘stapling’ step after notarization:

xcrun stapler staple -v <mydmg>.dmg

More details on notarytool arguments at: