Tag Archives: ETL

Easy Data Transform progress

I have been gradually improving my data wrangling tool, Easy Data Transform, putting out 70 public releases since 2019. While the product’s emphasis is on ease of use, rather than pure performance, I have been trying to make it fast as well, so it can cope with the multi-million row datasets customers like to throw at it. To see how I was doing, I did a simple benchmark of the most recent version of Easy Data Transform (v1.37.0) against several other desktop data wrangling tools. The benchmark did a read, sort, join and write of a 1 million row CSV file. I did the benchmarking on my Windows development PC and my Mac M1 laptop.

Easy Data Transform screenshot

Here is an overview of the results:

Time by task (seconds), on Windows without Power Query (smaller is better):

data wrangling/ETL benchmark Windows

I have left Excel Power Query off this graph, as it is so slow you can hardly see the other bars when it is included!

Time by task (seconds) on Mac (smaller is better):

data wrangling/ETL benchmark M1 Mac

Memory usage (MB), Windows vs Mac (smaller is better):

data wrangling/ETL benchmark memory Windows vs Mac

So Easy Data Transform is nearly as fast as it’s nearest competitor, Knime, on Windows and a fair bit faster on an M1 Mac. It is also uses a lot less memory than Knime. However we have got some way to go to catch up with the Pandas library for Python and the data.table package for R, when it comes to raw performance. Hopefully I can get nearer to their performance in time. I was forbidden from including benchmarks for Tableau Prep and Alteryx by their licensing terms, which seems unnecessarily restrictive.

Looking at just the Easy Data Transform results, it is interesting to notice that a newish Macbook Air M1 laptop is significantly faster than a desktop AMD Ryzen 7 desktop PC from a few years ago.

Windows vs Mac M1 benchmark

See the full comparison:

Comparison of data wrangling/ETL tools : R, Pandas, Knime, Power Query, Tableau Prep, Alteryx and Easy Data Transform, with benchmarks

Got some data to clean, merge, reshape or analyze? Why not download a free trial of Easy Data Transform ? No sign up required.

Easy Data Transform v1.6.0

I have been working hard on Easy Data Transform. The last few releases have included:

  • a 64 bit version for Windows
  • JSON, XML and vCard format input
  • output of nested JSON and XML
  • a batch processing mode
  • command line arguments
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • various improvements to transforms

Plus lots of other improvements.

The installer now includes 32 and 64 bit version of Easy Data Transform for Windows and installs the one appropriate to your operating sytem. This is pretty easy to with the Inno Setup installer. You just need to use Check: Is64BitInstallMode, for example:

Source: "..\binaries\windows\program\{#MyAppExeName}"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Check: not Is64BitInstallMode
Source: "..\binaries\windows\program64\{#MyAppExeName}"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Check: Is64BitInstallMode

But it does pretty much double the size of the installer (from 25MB to 47MB in my case).

The 32 bit version is restricted to addressing 4GB of memory. In practise, this means you may run out of memory if you get much above a million data values. The 64 bit version is able to address as much memory as your system can provide. So datasets with tens or hundreds of millions of values are now within reach.

I have kept the 32 bit version for compatibility reasons. But data on the percentage of customers still using 32 bit Windows is surprisingly hard to come by. Some figures I have seen suggest <5%. So I will probably drop 32 bit Windows support at some point. Apple, being Apple, made the transition to a 64 bit OS much more aggressively and so the Mac version of Easy Data Transform has always been 64 bit only.

I have also been doing some benchmarking and Easy Data Transform is fast. On my development PC it can perform an inner join of 2 datasets of 900 thousand rows x 14 columns in 5 seconds. The same operation on the same machine in Excel Power Query took 4 minutes 20 seconds. So Easy Data Transform is some 52 times faster than Excel Power Query. Easy Data Transform is written in C++ with reference counting and hashing for performance, but I am surprised by just how much faster it is.

The Excel Power Query user interface also seems very clunky by comparison. The process to join two CSV files is:

  • Start Excel.
  • Start Power Query.
  • Load the two data files into Excel power query.
  • Choose the key columns.
  • Choose merge.
  • Choose inner join. Wait 4 minutes 20 seconds.
  • Load the results back into Excel. Wait several more minutes.
  • Save to a .csv file.
  • Total time: ~600 seconds

Whereas in Easy Data Transform you just:

  • Start Easy Data Transform.
  • Drag the 2 files onto the center pane.
  • Click ‘join’.
  • Select the key columns. Wait 5 seconds.
  • Click ‘To file’ and save to a .csv file.
  • Total time: ~30 seconds


If you have some data to transform, clean or analyze please give Easy Data Transform a try. There is a fully functional free trial. Email me if you have any questions.